#3 Better today for tomorrow

There is a common trait between our next featured Intentional Live-er and her favourite flower...they both make an effort to bend and twist to grow towards the light. Pranya shows us that even the most delicate designs are created with great power and passion! We know that you will be inspired by this interview

Your’re now 31 years old, tell us about yourself. How are you different now versus 5 years ago?
I now find meaning in every experience, I am much more mindful and at peace with myself and my body and I certainly don’t let external negativity weigh me down.  I’m more in control of my attitude and really believe that while you can’t control what happens on the outside you can certainly control what happens on the inside!

A few years ago I was still trying to be a person that other people wanted me to be.  I used to define myself by the “beauty norms” that existed out there, which lets be honest...I didn’t fit into - I’m 154cm TALL J and “flawed”.   We all know that self-doubt kills more dreams than failure…and this had become my reality…doubt made me nervous - nervous around everyone and everything.  I was constantly doubting myself; was I smart enough, tall enough, beautiful enough or even doing enough in my life.

Now, I know that I am enough and I have always been enough.  Needless to say, I still have days of doubt, but that doubt never destroys me.  It fuels me and reminds me that I am human.  I have become a lot kinder to myself now… 

If you were a season, dish and colour, which would you be and why?
Season…ah definitely winter!  Winter is all about warmth and comfort and heart warming food.  I’m also super affectionate, so cuddling up near a fire with a cup of tea and a book makes my heart happy.

A dish, hmm…I want to be a wholesome and nourishing dish…something like a warm butternut and tomato soup that will lift your spirits!  You know that bowl that brings magic to your soul when you wrap your hands around it on a cold winters day, yes that one!  It makes you feel safe and I like to make people feel safe.

My colour…turquoise because it’s an energizing colour! And also because it represents open communication between the heart and spoken word. 

Recap your self-awareness journey and how you ended up with your passion for movement
When I was younger (actually pretty much most of my life), I had this dream of becoming a TV host/presenter/model but I was consistently told; “Yes you’re great, even charming BUT you’re not tall enough and you wouldn’t do well in short/revealing clothes” (I have lots of birthmarks and scars on my body).  Needless to say the constant rejection made me feel highly insecure.  No matter how many opportunities I tried to take, I kept receiving the same feedback and so I self-sabotaged and started to believe that I wasn’t good enough for anything or anyone.

I really needed to get of of my head and into my heart.  About 2,5 years ago I just decided to go to a yoga class after seeing a poster at my local grocery shop.

I initially thought yoga was just about the stretch but I started to leave the classes with much more than that.  I started to become more aware of my physical and emotional strength.  The more I moved, the more things just naturally shifted.

After noticing the difference in myself on all levels, I really felt that I wanted to pursue teaching.  I couldn’t help but imagine that if I practiced yoga while growing up I probably would have been better equipped to deal with the anxiety and depression, so I want to help kids (and adults) grow up with mindfulness.  Mental health issues are destructive!

So yes, I quit my corporate yet much loved job, took some time out and studied and practiced - so that I can help others and ensure wherever I can, that kids can grow up with a healthy self esteem and without anxiety about their bodies.    

What is the first thing you do when you wake up? And the last thing before you go to bed?
I struggle with my digestive system, I have many food allergies and often wake up feeling a bit stuffy in my tummy…so my morning always starts with a specific yoga pose (while in bed) to help massage my abdominal organs.  The pose is called “wind removing pose” if you want to know more J

And before I go to bed I  like to pray and give thanks  J

3 things that are a ‘must do’ in your day?
I try to fuel positivity every day!  Whether it’s reading a motivational book or autobiography or watch a short inspirational video for about 30min.  

I also HAVE TO have my morning smoothie that has coconut water, cocoa powder, pea-protein and almond butter to get my morning going.  I always speak to my family every day.  

Aaaand I also try to say something positive to anyone that I interact with every day…it becomes so natural the more you do it.

Any quirks or traits that your friends/family will attribute specifically to you?
Apparently I have many!  I never wear matching socks...and I don’t ever follow a recipe when I cook. I just throw things together in a pot and make magic haha.  

I also have a tendency to ‘lose’ things…but I do the opposite of what other people do…I don’t look in the most obvious places bwahaha.  Perhaps I have no method to my madness haha…but it works.

Biggest failures or lessons that have allowed you to grow?
Hmmm, letting my anxiety about my body hold me back from the things I love.  If you’re mentally strong your possibilities are endless.

What would be your advice to people who want to pursue their passion but are scared/don’t know how to do so?
The best thing to do is to take a bit of time off…not necessarily time off work but it can be a ‘stay-cation’ where you spend time with yourself and write down what you want to do, the milestones and the resources needed.  For me I knew in order to do my training, I needed 3 months and the money to do it…so I put a little project plan together. 

Another HUGE piece of advice is that it’s very important to know who your tribe is…who are the people that you are taking along this journey...because it’s very lonely if you are alone.  You need to have people who will be your support system…people who will keep you from giving up! 

What is the hardest thing about the journey that you're on? And how do you manage it?
Always feeling like there’s so much more that can be done, but time and financial resources can be limiting.  I work a full time job and teach in the evenings, so I don’t have the time to be as engaging as I would like to be on social media.  I do what I can in the time that I have (plan, plan, plan) and I have faith.

What would you say to your younger self?
Your beauty shouldn’t be a source of anxiety.  You need to live your life without being held back by anyone, anything or any norms.  Love the person you see in the mirror.

What is your end goal?
I’d love to have my own studio with a lovely little restaurant attached to it…I want to create a space where people can feel safe and happy, where they can nourish their bodies and their minds.

I would also love to build a school offering free yoga, play and healing for kids which I think is really needed in the world we live in today and I believe it will come.

One last question - if you were a brand, what would your tag line be?
What are you saying…I thought I was a brand? ;) Hmm…Better today for tomorrow XOXO

Follow @pranya_dhyana and learn more about her craft, passions and journey.
